宇宙洪荒 发表于 2010-4-2 22:17


Core values of Existential Psychology
A holistic way of knowing
Concern for the subjective experience of the individual
A commitment to being honest about the human condition

The Good Life & Existential Psychology
The idea of “the good life” in psychology :This represents the end or result that should be sought in life
All psychologies and philosophies have a vie of the good life , whether explicitly stated or not

Existential Psychology views the good life as:
The meaningful life
The psychology free life
The aware life
The ethical or moral life
The life fully embraced , or the passionate life

Intimate relationships

The Existential Givens
the idea of the givens

the givens are aspects of human existence that everyone must face or deal
Five Existential Givens:

Death/human limitation





The Role of Myth
Myth can be understand as a basic unit of meaning in existential psychology
According to May(1991),myths are not false ,but rather something that cannot be proven to be true
Myths are often not literally true ,in the sense that the story may not be literally true ,but the may still represent a basic truth

Core Tenets of Existential Psychology

Embracing emotions & the unknowns
Reflective listening
Good reflection listening will new insinghts to the clients
Goes beyond reflecting what a client is saying

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